Donation Request
Thank you for approaching Buds Gun Shop & Range with your request for a donation or sponsorship. Each year we receive a large volume of such requests, but we consider only those that closely align with our interests in the shooting sports. We sincerely regret that we are not able to accommodate all requests.
Guidelines for Donations or Sponsorship Requests:
1. Your organization must be registered with the IRS as a 501(c)3 non-profit (charitable) organization.
2. You must submit your request no less than 60 days and no more than 120 days prior to the event/deadline via our online request form (below).
3. Your organization should be based in, or have a chapter in Kentucky, and must have a viable, easily recognizable, and direct connection to the shooting sports. As examples: youth shooting/hunting activities, adaptive-shooting programs for disabled shooters, and shooting competitions and events held to benefit a 201(c)3 non-profit organization. Documentation for your event will be required.
4. You may submit a request for a donation or sponsorship only once per year.
5. Past participation by Buds Gun Shop & Range in your event does not guarantee recurring support.
6. Only requests that responsibly meet the criteria above will receive a response.
7. All communications regarding requests that meet criteria above will be conducted via e-mail only.
8. For those qualifying organizations whose requests are approved, you will receive an e-mailed confirmation within 30 days of your request.
9. Approved requests will receive Buds Gun Shop & Range gift cards redeemable for merchandise or training classes, or range cards for range time. We have an established advertising plan; as such we do not purchase advertising space for any event.
10: We will not consider donations to:
Political campaigns or lobbying groups
Religious groups for religious purposes
Group trips, conferences or tours
An individual’s participation in pageants, events, trips, scholarships, missions, or non-shooting sports activities
Requests for personal or family life-cycle events
Organizations that practice or support unlawful, discriminatory, or controversial agendas
Any group or organization that represents a conflict for Buds Gun Shop & Range
Thank you for your understanding and we hope you have a very successful event!